Research Institute for Chemistry

established in 1944

Russia-Germany Cooperation in alternative energy

открытие выставки Renewables – made in Germany

On 21 September 2016 an international workshop “Russia-Germany Cooperation in alternative energy” took place at Lobachevsky University. Participants of the opening ceremony of the workshop: Nikita Avralev, Vice-Rector for Public Relations; Mikhail Rusakov, research officer at the German Embassy in Moscow; Ilya Korshunov, Deputy Minister for Investment, Land and Property Relations of the Nizhny Novgorod region; Dr. Peter Hiller, Head of the German House of Research and Innovation and the German Academic Exchange Service.

During the workshop an exhibition “Renewables – made in Germany” took place at the University. The technological exhibition ”Renewables – made in Germany” was developed at the initiative of the Ministry of Economy and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Energy Agency.


“ZENIT as a transfer point between research and medium-sized enterprises and Funding Programme in Germany for alternative energy sources” (Nolden Michael)
“The German energy turnaround – The potential role of hydrogen in the energy sector” (Dr. Prof. Karl Herbert Klug)
“The use of fuel cells to generate electricity” (Gennady V. Brzezinski)
“Direct production of electrical energy: Commercial inorganic solar cells and more in detail development of organic solar cells” (Dr. Prof. Dieter Achim Wolfgang Wöhrle)
“Experiences on the promotion of new technologies in Germany in alternative energy sphere” (Susanne Jakobs-Bohack)
“Technical Solutions for Biogas production in Germany” (Dr. Prof. Winfried Schmidt)
“Nanomaterials for Energy” (Dr. Prof. Heinrich Lothar)
“The use of biogas for power generation” (Elsa R. Mikheeva)
“An improvement of the dye solar cell efficiency/ The electron shuttle role” (Prof. Sergei Zelentsov)